Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Pee-Pee in the Potty!!

I always knew potty training would be an adventure...but when you are still nursing one child and potty training the other it makes for some very unique situations.  (ex. Isla gets jealous whenever I'm feeding E because she knows that for those 20 minutes I am busy and she is going to have to wait for whatever it maybe that she wants...so what does she do?? She yells, "PEE, PEE...PEE, PEE" in the middle of E's meal so I have no other choice to put him down (making him very unhappy) and run Isla to the potty.  I put her up on the potty and wait...and wait...and wait.  Meanwhile, Everett is screaming and she looks at me with a little devilish smile, almost as if she was saying, 'haha I win'!! So to put a stop to this, I swing Everett in one arm while maintaining suction (haha) and take Isla to the potty.  E and I sit on the edge of the tub, still nursing, while we wait for Isla to go.  After couple times, she stopped "crying wolf" about Pee-pee. Seems she likes her privacy from her little brother in the bathroom and rightfully so :)

She has picked it up quickly.  She knows to let us know when she needs to go and loves sitting on the potty while we tell her what a big girl she is!! Her reward is stickers. She loves them and stares at her chart while on the potty. She doesn't even get to keep a sticker to play with but she knows there is something very special about getting to put one on her chart. So far it seems to be the easiest and most 'rewarding' thing to do.

We haven't done much other than Pee-Pee in the Potty, and evenings there is no consistency with our activities and work schedules so that's the next thing we are working on.  I think if I was more discplined with her she would have it all down, but circumstances make it difficult. Although, I'm going to get serious this week with her...she has so much interest in it and loves wearing her big girl panties. Wow...I just spent 10 minutes talking about Pee-Pee...oh how my world has changed!! (and I love it!)

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